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Text File | 1993-06-21 | 28.6 KB | 594 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#181/21-Jun-93
- =====================
- Read on for news of Apple's troubles and John Sculley's partial
- resignation, followed by Bill Dickson's look at Xtras for System
- 7, an interesting attempt at avoiding standard software
- distribution methods. Jeff Needleman illuminates a subject we've
- never understood up to now, sharing SCSI devices between Macs
- and PCs, and finally, a look at why those PowerBook 170 screens
- break when you swear you weren't playing Postal Worker Volleyball
- with it in the back room.
- Copyright 1990-1993 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and company
- names may be registered trademarks of their companies. Disk
- subscriptions and back issues are available - email for details.
- For information send email to info@tidbits.com or ace@tidbits.com
- CIS: 72511,306 -- AppleLink: ace@tidbits.com@internet#
- AOL: Adam Engst -- Delphi: Adam_Engst -- BIX: TidBITS
- TidBITS -- 1106 North 31st Street -- Renton, WA 98056 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/21-Jun-93
- Sculley Steps Down
- Xtras for System 7
- SCSI Double Agents
- PowerBook 170 Screams, er, Screens
- Reviews/21-Jun-93
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-181.etx; 29K]
- MailBITS/21-Jun-93
- ------------------
- Often you can read the future in our error messages. Apple's OCE
- (Open Collaboration Environment) is here, at least somewhere, as
- evidenced by this mail bounce I received. I hope to see it for the
- rest of us soon, and in the meantime, I'd be happy to see my mail
- go through.
- > From: "Mail Delivery Subsystem" <MAILER-DAEMON@aoce.itd.umich.edu>
- > Subject: Returned Mail
- >
- > -------------- Special condition follows --------------
- > Unknown AOCE recipient(s):
- **Claris bugged by Internet?** -- Ever-vigilant Craig O'Donnell
- uncovered an obscure bug in several Claris applications that will
- most likely only bite users of the nets. It seems that ClarisWorks
- 1.0 and 2.0 and MacWrite Pro 1.0 both fail to correctly print
- space-delimited tables (like all the ones we put in TidBITS) in
- monospaced fonts (like Courier and Monaco, which should print
- aligned) to (at least) the StyleWriter II and to the LaserWriter
- Select 300. Claris confirmed the problem with the unaligned tables
- and recommended printing to a LaserWriter, presumably one with
- PostScript. What a helpful suggestion! (We heard later the
- unfortunate tech support therapist who made that suggestion was
- put on a bread and water diet and forced to answer calls about
- MacPaint 1.0 from users with 128K Macs.) Claris -- 800/3CLARIS --
- 408/727-8227 -- claris@aol.com
- **Symantec** recently shipped Symantec C++ 6.0, supposedly the
- first native C++ compiler on the Macintosh, along with THINK C 6.0
- and Symantec C++ 6.0 for MPW. THINK C 5.0 users can upgrade to
- either just THINK C 6.0 for $89.95 or to Symantec C++ 6.0, which
- _includes_ THINK C 6.0, for $149.95. Symantec -- 800/441-7234 --
- 408/252-357
- Sculley Steps Down
- ------------------
- After 10 years of running Apple, John Sculley has announced that
- Michael Spindler, currently the company's president and COO (Chief
- Operating Officer), will replace him as CEO (Chief Executive
- Officer). Sculley will remain chairman of Apple, a role which will
- allow him to satisfy his need to bomb around the world hobnobbing
- with other truly rich people in charge of companies, instead of
- doing the daily grind as CEO. Rough life, eh? Do you think he'll
- get a pay raise?
- Sculley denied that Apple's recent misfortunes are related to his
- resignation, but you have to wonder, especially coming from the
- man who proposed that IBM purchase Apple when talking to an IBM
- search committee looking for a new CEO for the big blue behemoth.
- Apple recently lost the suit against Microsoft and Hewlett-
- Packard, and although an appeal is almost certainly in the works
- (hey, lawyers have to eat too, even if only caviar and quail
- eggs), it looks bad for the home team, so to speak. In addition,
- Apple just announced that its second-half earnings will fall short
- of expectations (whose expectations isn't quite clear), and as a
- result Apple stock took a major nosedive (if I had any money, I'd
- buy now, but then again, if I were a whiz at stocks, I could
- afford lawyer food on a more regular basis). And like a fairy
- tale, trouble comes in threes, with the rumors of Apple laying off
- about 1,000 employees.
- Of course, this dire news stems from the very issues that Apple's
- loyal users have clamored about for years. We want more Macs
- (well, maybe not any more - it's too confusing) and we want cheap
- Macs, but that results in Apple's margins, once thoroughly plump,
- slimming down to normal industry levels. The basic problem is that
- you can't have your cheap Mac and lust after an innovative Mac at
- the same time. Other industry companies aren't pushing the
- envelope nearly as hard, and that allows them to subsist on lower
- margins.
- I almost wonder if it wouldn't make sense for Apple to create
- another spin-off company that would be lean and mean (and do no
- R&D on its own) to compete with the PC-clone vendors. Perhaps such
- a split would give Apple the two faces necessary to fight it out
- on the low end while pumping out the expensive technological
- innovations on the high end. The Performas seemed aimed at filling
- that niche originally, but until recently few real Macintosh users
- have paid much attention to the relabeled machines (the Performa
- 450, in particular, has competed strongly against the LC III
- recently, in part because of stocking problems for the LC III).
- Besides, it's so sad to go into Sears and when the Performa
- salesthing comes over and says, "Can I help you?" be forced to
- look at them pityingly and say, "No, I really don't think so."
- Of course, Apple is undoubtedly aware of these problems. Rumors
- abound of meetings with Dell (the third largest PC clone vendor),
- and Apple is talking more about Companion, the set of cross
- platform technologies jocularly referred to as "Macintosh on
- Everything." You'll be able to run the Finder on top of Novell's
- DR DOS, and you'll be able to run Macintosh applications on top of
- various common flavors of Unix, just as you can run Macintosh
- applications on top of A/UX. Don't worry, it will be thoroughly
- confusing when it all arrives.
- In the meantime, Apple employees will feel the axe along with
- Apple prices, so watch those price lists carefully. With the slow
- sales of the PowerBooks, the Duos in particular, you may be able
- to pick up a four pound bundle of Macintosh joy for a song. If
- you're an Apple employee, you already know this, but just to make
- the rest of the world jealous, Apple employees can buy up to four
- Duo 210s for $999 (notice the three nines? Remember the fairy
- tale?). If you happen to know an Apple employee, you might want to
- be nice that person since apparently resales are not being
- discouraged, and $999 for a 4/80 Duo 210 is the sweetest deal
- since the PowerBook 100s hit Price Club.
- Information from:
- Pythaeus
- Xtras for System 7
- ------------------
- by Bill Dickson -- wrd@beer.wa.com
- [Editor's note: This is the first in an informal series of
- articles exploring different methods of software distribution.
- It's clear, I think, that the current commercial channels prevent
- much good software from coming to market, and even when a program
- does make it, often the programmer(s) reap few rewards in
- comparison to the distributors and resellers in the middle, each
- with a markup and a profit margin. I don't know that we'll solve
- the problems with these articles, but we hope to start some people
- thinking about the issues. -Adam]
- Xtras for System 7 is a curious package. A collection of thirteen
- extensions, Control Panels, and applications by various
- programmers, it resembles a set of shareware utilities in many
- ways, but it is sold in a commercial fashion with a manual by
- longtime Macintosh author Sharon Zardetto Aker.
- As with most everything, there are parts of Xtras that I like a
- lot, parts I don't like much, parts I am indifferent to, and parts
- that intrigue me. We can get most of that out of the way with a
- simple rundown of the software, so why don't we? In the same order
- as it's listed on the back:
- 1) Xtras Menu: An extension that slaps an Xtras menu into your
- Finder. The menu provides access to Accordion, below, as well as
- configuration settings for most of the other features. Personally,
- I'm not fond of things that put menus in my Finder. Sometimes it
- makes sense, but I'm not sure it does in this case. Yes, it allows
- access to all the Xtras features, but, apart from the fact that
- they all came from the Xtras disk, only a few have anything in
- common with the others. Does it make more sense to access
- Publishist, a scrapbook-like utility, from the Xtras menu because
- it came with the Xtras disk, or to access it from the same place
- you would access your normal scrapbook, because they're both
- scrapbooks? And it's not as though all the Xtras menu items work
- on selections in the Finder, as do the menus in things like
- DiskDoubler and StuffIt's Magic Menu.
- 2) Accordion: A set of menu commands in the Xtras menu for
- collapsing and expanding some or all levels of folders in text
- views. If this is the sort of thing you do a lot (I don't), you
- might find it handy.
- 3) The Big Apple: The coolest item. You've seen something like it
- before, probably; it gives you a hierarchical Apple menu and
- allows you to re-order the items in the menu in any way you like,
- even adding little lines to separate sections as they make the
- most sense to you. It's been done before, and I can't think of any
- reason why this implementation is any better or worse than any
- other. I happen to like it a lot.
- 4) Publishist: Essentially a scrapbook that allows you to publish
- its contents for subscription by other documents.
- 5) Icon Editor: What it says. A good one.
- 6) IntoApple: A drag & drop utility to create an alias in your
- Apple menu. You can also configure IntoApple to allow you to
- select a location if you'd rather do things that way.
- 7) EmptyTrash: When installed, it automatically empties your trash
- when you start your machine. If only it worked on my kitchen.
- 8) Incinerate: For those with great faith in themselves, this
- antisocial little critter instantly deletes anything dragged onto
- it. Definitely of the "shoot first, ask questions later" school of
- thought.
- 9) Shred*It: For the paranoid, er, security-conscious, this
- program totally annihilates files so that you can't get them back,
- ever, no matter what. There will be no questions later if you use
- Shred*It.
- 10) Compost: The ecologically-conscious version of Incinerate.
- Leave stuff in the trash can and forget about it. After a set
- amount of time, it'll decay and disappear, returning useful disk
- space instead of rich soil.
- 11) LabelMaker: Allows you to apply a label to a file right from
- Save dialogs.
- 12) PopApp: Hold down a modifier key or four (you choose) and
- click anywhere on your screen, and your application menu - you
- know, the one in the upper right hand corner - pops up right under
- your mouse, wherever it may be. I never felt that my 14" monitor
- was dinky, but the thought that somebody needs this extension gave
- me a brief case of screen envy.
- 13) SpeedName: If you get bored waiting for the Finder to allow
- you to rename your files, this Control Panel will allow you to
- adjust the delay.
- That covers it. Overall, these utilities are great, if you like
- that sort of thing. They all seem to do what they're supposed to,
- and they do it reasonably well. The question is whether you need
- (or want, for you hedonists out there) to do what they do. Do you
- want to clutter your desktop with icons to modify the way your
- trash works? I don't, but then I have a dinky little 14" monitor.
- Do you use Finder labels frequently enough to justify LabelMaker?
- I don't at home, but I've found myself wanting it at work
- sometimes.
- Pretty much everybody can probably find at least one, and quite
- possibly several utilities in this package that they will use, if
- they haven't already found a freeware or shareware solution for
- the same problem. And at a shareware-like price of $25, if you
- find two items you use, or one you love, you're doing well. If you
- find three, consider yourself ahead of the game.
- There is one exceptional thing about this package - the
- distribution method. It is distributed as a paperback book with a
- disk inside, and in response to my inquiry, Sharon told me that it
- was being sold through book outlets, not software outlets.
- There are some advantages to this distribution method. The manual
- is... well, there's a manual, something that can't be said about
- most shareware. And it's a good one, written by a veteran of the
- Macintosh documentation business. It's unlikely you'll need to
- read more than 25 percent of the book, but if you ever do have a
- question about one of the items, the answer is almost certainly
- there.
- I also like the lack of the dreaded Shareware Guilt Factor. I'm
- sure you've done it. You stare at a utility, and suddenly find
- yourself wondering, "did I ever pay for that?" Maybe you keep
- records about such things, but if you're like me, they probably
- are hiding somewhere in the kitchen or were washed in the laundry.
- (The records, not the shareware.) Eventually you relegate the
- program to a corner of your hard disk, unwilling to delete it
- because maybe you paid for it, but afraid to use it in case the
- author will crawl under your bed at night and whisper horrible
- stories about starving programmers slaving over their keyboards in
- unheated garrets. Guilt city.
- The optimal solution to this dilemma, of course, is to pay for
- your shareware and then remember that you did so. But if you're a
- total dunderhead, like me, you might feel more comfortable
- shelling out your $25 in advance and hoping that what you wind up
- with is worth it. In the case of Xtras for System 7, I think it's
- a safe investment for most people. The Big Apple alone is worth
- the price for me.
- This distribution method has problems as well. The book can be
- almost impossible to find. It's not large, and it's crammed in
- with a huge pile of other brightly-colored books. Maybe it will
- help if I tell you the spine is purple with white lettering. I
- hope so, because I'd be willing to bet that if you walked up to a
- B. Dalton clerk and asked for something called Xtras for System 7,
- he or she would stare blankly at you. This also means few people
- will find it while browsing. If you find it, it's because you were
- looking, and that doesn't bode well for sales. I wouldn't be
- surprised if Xtras for System 7 (IBN# (not ISBN#, oddly): 0-201-
- 60853-7) takes a different marketing tack soon. It will have to in
- order to survive.
- Sharon Aker calls it "bookware." You won't get any phone support
- or fancy one-button installer, but it's a decent piece of work. It
- should be easy enough to figure out whether anything in the
- package is useful to you or not, and if it is, the price is right
- at $24.95.
- (Disclaimer: The author does not mean to disparage B. Dalton
- clerks, dinky 14" monitors, or dunderheads, or to indicate that
- the three might in any way be related. He does, however, mean to
- disparage, in the strongest possible terms, people who don't pay
- for the shareware they use regularly. He's not going to tell you
- what he calls them, because he gets spitting mad just thinking
- about it. In fact, he's going to go lie down now.)
- Addison-Wesley Publishing -- 617/944-3700
- SCSI Double Agents
- ------------------
- by Jeff Needleman -- needje@msen.com
- If you use both Macs and IBM clones, you've probably wondered if
- you could buy a tape drive or CD-ROM drive or a removable
- cartridge drive or WORM drive or whatever that could be used both
- for your Macs and for your IBMs. I'm not talking about elaborate
- networking with servers and high-speed network communications. I'm
- talking sneaker-net, down and dirty: plug in the tape drive to
- your Mac and update one backup tape, then plug it into your IBM
- and update another backup tape. That's a simple, economical
- approach for many of us and, if possible, would let us justify the
- purchase of nice new toys on the grounds that a single device
- could do double duty for a number of machines on both platforms.
- Macs from the Plus up have SCSI ports, so when this possibility
- occurred to me two years ago I started looking at SCSI cards and
- devices for the IBM. I found some real problems. The old SCSI-1
- standard (there is a faster, smarter, family-size SCSI-2 standard
- now) wasn't much of a standard - there were a whole bunch of
- supposed "SCSI compatible devices" that weren't compatible with
- much of anything other than the manufacturer's own supplied SCSI
- adapter. But, you should be able to put up to six other devices on
- one SCSI card (the SCSI card itself takes one of the SCSI ID
- numbers from the usual seven, leaving six available for devices).
- If the cards and devices were not interchangeable, what could be
- done in a practical way?
- Well, one approach was to buy the cards and devices from the same
- manufacturer. But that wasn't easy. Dealers packaged everything
- for one platform or the other. If you wanted to use a NEC CD-ROM
- drive on a Mac, you bought the drive with a Mac interface. If you
- wanted it on an IBM clone, you bought the version with the IBM
- interface (including the card). If you wanted to buy the Mac
- version and then add the IBM card and software without the actual
- drive, good luck! No one sold it that way - nor would you want to
- fill your slots and empty your pocketbook buying different cards
- for each peripheral you added. But you had no assurance of
- anything working right if you mixed cards and devices from
- different manufacturers. What to do?
- What I did was wait for some standards to be established, since
- it's best to use a common language that all devices can
- understand. Now that enough time has passed we have some standards
- in this area. I know about three such languages: Microsoft's
- Layered Device Driver Architecture (LADDR, which stretches the
- acronym), the Common Access Method (CAM), and the Advanced SCSI
- Programming Interface (ASPI). The arguments among these proponents
- are now settling, and my own bet is on ASPI, mostly because many
- vendors support it (it was created by Adaptec, which makes popular
- SCSI controllers) and because one software product on the market,
- CorelSCSI, is widely distributed and works only with ASPI drivers.
- So here are my recommendations on how to buy Mac peripherals that
- will work with an IBM too. First, don't buy anything old or used;
- stick to devices marketed since at least 1989. Second, check to
- see that your device is supported by the CorelSCSI drivers. Corel
- maintains a forum on CompuServe (GO COREL) and has a list of
- supported devices and controller cards available for downloading.
- You are concerned only with the internal mechanism. Many
- manufacturers sell Quantum hard drives, for example, packaged
- under hundreds of different names, but all recent Quantum drives
- are supported, regardless of the name on the external case.
- Third, buy a SCSI Host Adapter card with ASPI drivers (usually
- priced between $125 and $200 for the latest SCSI-2 16-bit models);
- again, tested ones are on the Corel list. Many of these adapters
- will come with drivers for most of the devices you come across,
- and you will not need the drivers in CorelSCSI itself. In that
- case, you need not purchase CorelSCSI. But if you try to hook up a
- device and have problems, you might opt for CorelSCSI (which is
- sold with and without the controller card itself) for around $80
- from the usual mail-order places.
- Finally, buy the Mac version of the product so that you'll be sure
- to get the software needed to run it on your Mac. I recently
- bought a Teac backup tape drive from Club Mac, although I could
- have gotten the basic external drive more cheaply from an IBM-only
- supplier. By buying from Club Mac, I received Retrospect as well,
- which would normally cost about $150 and without which I would
- have no way to back up from my Mac.
- If all goes well, you should be able to just plug in your devices
- and use them. I've done that with a tape drive, CD-ROM drive, and
- an old SyQuest 44 MB cartridge drive. I've had two minor problems.
- The installation software for the card I use recognized the
- SyQuest drive easily but apparently regarded it as the newer 90 MB
- drive and reported that it couldn't read the media after
- formatting. I had to format cartridges using SyQuest's own
- software before the SCSI card could recognize them correctly
- (download DRIVER.ZIP from the SyQuest BBS at 510/656-0473). It
- turns out that CorelSCSI can install this drive through a custom
- installation in which you first identify the card as a Ricoh 50
- removable and then make some changes in your CONFIG.SYS file. The
- details are in a file on the Corel section on CompuServe. The
- other problem? I couldn't reinitialize a 1985 SuperMac DataFrame
- XP20 for DOS - the ROM in the DataFrame responded to a standard
- SCSI query about its capacity with a "0" and, recognizing that as
- an error and not knowing the true capacity of the device,
- CorelSCSI wouldn't mount it. On the Mac, SCSI Probe had similar
- problems getting info from the device, by the way. (Hence my first
- rule above about sticking to new equipment.)
- [Actually, it's not in the least bit surprising that a DataFrame
- XP20 caused problems - those drives are notorious for causing
- problems even with third party formatting software when used on
- the Macintosh. -Adam]
- Information from:
- Windows User -- Feb-93, "Taming the SCSI Monster," pp. 158-162
- Always Technology Upgrade Installation Guide for the
- IN-2000 Adapter -- 818/597-9595
- CorelSCSI installation manual. Corel -- 800/873-4374
- PowerBook 170 Screams, er, Screens
- ----------------------------------
- A month or so back, I suddenly noticed on the nets all sorts of
- reports from PowerBook 170 owners whose screens had just broken.
- In every case, the person was complaining on the nets because the
- screen replacement is expensive, and Apple claimed that the user
- had abused the screen. In every case, the users swore up and down
- (right and left too) that they hadn't damaged their screens in any
- way or treated their PowerBooks badly.
- I was struck by the number of postings (not that many, but clumped
- together and from people who are generally respected on the nets
- as having more upstairs than six inches of that pink insulation),
- so I asked around a bit. I found out some information that is
- certainly not official and I doubt anyone at Apple would ever
- admit it was true. And, unfortunately, those of you with broken
- screens are probably still out of luck and pocket.
- It seems that the manufacturer of the 170's active matrix screens
- allegedly may have (notice the clever journalistic tactic of not
- actually accusing anyone of anything) etched a serial number into
- the corner of the glass of certain 170 screens. Needless to say,
- from a manufacturing standpoint, this is a major mistake, since
- once the surface of the glass is compromised, the screen is no
- longer perfect and is far more susceptible to mechanical stress.
- Rumor has it that that company will no longer supply screens to
- Apple, in part because they could never supply enough and possibly
- in part because of this alleged idiocy that affects some small
- number of PowerBook 170s. I haven't heard of any problems with
- 180s, and the passive matrix screens don't appear to be as
- fragile.
- Based on information from several sources, I see numerous ways to
- look at this issue, the engineer, the Apple PR robot, and the
- consumer. Sounds like a bad joke already, doesn't it?
- The engineer would have to examine the hardware carefully and look
- at the failure rate to determine if there was in fact a design
- flaw, and perhaps there is one. However, remember that most
- "design flaws" come from marketing decisions (Rule 1) and remember
- too that all the world's a marketing scheme (Rule 2). When push
- comes to shove and the screen breaks, we don't know why, but it
- doesn't happen to many people, so a design review will probably
- take more time than it's worth. So once again, this is a case of
- an alleged design flaw that may or may not have been caused by an
- alleged marketing decision.
- The Apple PR robot would have to make the situation look good, or
- at least not bad, for Apple, no matter what he or she might really
- think (Rule 3). That person would say that the failure rate is too
- minor to warrant any kind of recall or repair program, especially
- since Apple doesn't make enough margin on machine to look into
- every complaint shared by X number of people where X is greater
- than one and less than some unspecified large number of angry
- consumers, all frothing at the mouth. Actually, the PR robot
- wouldn't say anything like that, since PR robots can only respond
- to problems with "We can neither confirm nor deny such and such."
- (Rule 4). Can you imagine asking a nice simple question, like "Oh,
- did you take out the garbage this morning?" Sheesh.
- The consumer would of course be mad as hell (Rule 5), having
- purchased an expensive computer system that is obviously a piece
- of junk and what kind of nerve does Apple have selling such
- garbage anyway when they know full well (you can tell because of
- that "neither confirm or deny" trash) that those screens would
- break if you so much as looked at them wrong and I will damn well
- tell all of my friends and the entire network about it and I'm
- never going to buy anything from Apple again. Humph! What? I have
- to use Windows then? (Rule 6) You drive a hard bargain, Mr.
- Mephistopheles - damned if I do and damned if I don't. I suppose
- that's the price to pay for being on the cutting edge - as long as
- I'm bleeding, where do I sign for my new PowerBook 180c?
- So that about sums it up. I see no path for complaint since so few
- people have been affected, and Apple won't even admit that there's
- a problem with the Malaysian mice after Liam Breck collected
- hundreds of reports. That would be a relatively cheap fix, unlike
- the active matrix screens, so I think we can rest assured that
- nothing will happen.
- In general, it's a good idea to minimize stresses on the screen
- when opening and closing PowerBooks. That means primarily that you
- should open and close the screen using two hands (or however many
- you have) on the lower half of the screen. Opening or closing the
- screen from one top corner is the worst from the stress level (and
- we don't need our computers getting repetitive stress injuries
- either!).
- Oh, and there is a quiz. What was Rule 2? Discuss.
- Information from:
- Pythaeus
- Reviews/21-Jun-93
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 14-Jun-93, Vol. 7, #24
- Dayna SafeDeposit and SafeDeposit Server 1.2 -- pg. 47
- OrangePC 486 -- pg. 47
- Double-speed CD-ROM drives -- pg. 54
- AppleCD 300
- Magic CD-ROM Drive 3401
- NEC MultiSpin 74
- Procom Mac-CD-MX
- * MacUser -- Jul-93
- Adobe Photoshop 2.5 -- pg. 56
- SpreadBase -- pg. 58
- form*Z -- pg. 60
- SuperATM -- pg. 62
- Ascend -- pg. 63
- FASTAT 2.0 -- pg. 69
- Apple StyleWriter II -- pg. 73
- DiskDoubler and StuffIt Deluxe -- pg. 76
- The Madness of Roland -- pg. 87
- Safe & Sound -- pg. 87
- Color It! -- pg. 87
- A-Train -- pg. 88
- L-TV -- pg. 89
- Large Hard Drives -- pg. 92
- (too many to list)
- Presentation Software -- pg. 116
- CA-Cricket Presents 2.1
- MORE 3.1
- Persuasion 2.1
- PowerPoint 3.0
- Monochrome & Grey Scale Monitors -- pg. 130
- (too many to list)
- Group Schedulers -- pg. 154
- (too many to list)
- Learning Software -- pg. 199
- The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
- Webster's Electronic Dictionary & Thesaurus College Edition
- Your Personal Trainer for the SAT
- ..
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